Wednesday, April 16, 2014

BeagleBone Device Tree Overlays

(All commands and tests were performed in Debian Wheezy, though in most cases, should also work in various other Linux Distro's)

Real quickly, what is a device tree [DT] overlay? Well, just like a .config file - such as those used in Minecraft Mods - a device tree overlay describes how the kernel is wired in order to take advantage of any new hardware peripherals dynamically - in the case of the bone, it is most commonly used to describe which pins are wire to what device and who has compatibility.

Let's review over the structure of a simple device tree: (Thanks to Adafruit for their valuable detailing)
Unfortunately, Debian and several other distros do not come with device tree source files, just the compiled blobs. This was unfortunate for me as I had four Debian-imaged bones and one Angstrom bone that I forgot the login info to... after several hours I managed to reimage the Angstrom copy to see if the source files were even there, and thankfully they were!

EDIT: While browsing through the raw Linux Kernel source code, I found a number of other *.dts files linking to many other devices. To find specific names and values for these trees, the kernel tree its self has all the answers - it may be intimidating at first but really I feel it is no different from Minecraft: Kernel=Vanilla, Drivers=Mods, Hardware Descriptors=Config Files. The Beaglebone Black uses an OMAP3 [OMAP3630] microprocessor also references as AM33XX in the source code. Linux Source Code

This is the version of the DT, which is 'version 1'

This comes next, tagging the DT as a plugin

Without specifying compatibility, this plugin would not work
compatible = "ti,beaglebone", "ti,beaglebone-black";

Next is the identification, including the DT name and version - which seems to always be '00A0' (this is also the name of the file in the form NAME-VERSION.dtbo)
part-number = "BB-BONE-DT-NAME";
version = "00A0";

Include any and all resources to be used. (In some cases, just the pins are enough, otherwise it is always good to include the device the pins will be muxed to as well) Here the pin is specified in the form HEADER.PIN, the first pru will also be used:
exclusive-use = "P9.27", "pru0";

And finally the fragments, which can be seen as partitions, or 'structs' in a c-stylized way of looking at things. A device tree can have as many fragments as it needs, but for the simplest layouts, one only needs two: the first for pin muxing and the second for device initialization and pin binding. The syntax goes as follows: fragment@NUM { }; so fragment@0 {}; or fragment@2 {};

A fragment will begin with a target, followed by the __overlay__ block, and within that block resides the settings to be applied to or through the targeted device. For example:
fragment@0 {
    target = <&am33xx_pinmux>;
    __overlay__ {
        token_name: sub_name {
            pinctrl-single,pins = < 
                0x1a4 0x25 
The target is am33xx_pinmux and through the target via 'pinctrl-single,pins,' pin P9.27(0x1a4) is muxed to pin mode 5 as a 'fast-input' with an internal pull-down (0x25) - this prepares the pins for PRU0 output. The 'token_name:' is referenced in other fragments further down.

When initializing a device in the device tree, one must set the status to 'okay.' Then in order to do anything with that device, one must assign the pins created earlier:
fragment@2 {
    target = <&pruss>;
    __overlay__ {
        status = "okay";
        pinctrl-names = "default";
        pinctrl-0 = <&token_name>;
The pin names can be left as 'default.' Sometimes there are other names that can be added for state manipulation such as found in the source file: cape-boneblack-hdmi-00A0.dts: pinctrl-names = "default", "off"; which can be seen in action through shell:
# cat /sys/devices/ocp.*/hdmi.*/pinmux_state
# echo off > /sys/devices/ocp.*/hdmi.*/pinmux_state
# cat /sys/devices/ocp.*/hdmi.*/pinmux_state
# echo "test" > /sys/devices/ocp.*/hdmi.*/pinmux_state
-sh: echo: write error: No such device

The following is a list of devices that can be modified or used via device tree overlays:
am33xx_pinmux    ocp - on chip peripherals
tscadc - analog digital convertermac - media access control
eCAP2_in_PWM2_outtps - transaction processing system
mcasp0 - multichannel audio serial portmcasp1
eMMC_RSTngpmc - general purpose memory controller
pruss - programmable real-time unit subsystem pru
spi0 - serial peripheral interfacespi1
uart1 - universal asynchronous receive transmituart2
i2c0 - inter-integrated circuiti2c1
i2c2intc - interrupt controller
ehrpwm0 - enhanced high resolution pwmehrpwm0A
epwmss1 - enhanced pulse-width mod. subsystemepwmss2
ecap0 - enhanced captureecap1
ecap2edma - enhanced direct memory access
lcd - liquid crystal displaylcdc - liquid crystal display controller
aes - advanced encryption standardsham
clkout2mmc1 - multimedia card
gpio1 - general purpose input outputgpio2
rtcusb - universal serial bus

To compile the source, run the following shell command:
dtc -O dtb -o $NAME-$VERSION.dtbo -b 0 -@ $NAME-$VERSION.dts

To apply the new overlay, copy the *.dtbo file to /lib/framework and run the command:
echo $NAME > /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.*/slots

Confirm that it has loaded:
cat /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.*/slots

And to remove it, use the slot number where it is found:
echo -$SLOT_NUM > /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.*/slots

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